Physical education and sport have never been more important in today’s current climate in schools. Children develop lifelong skills through sport which have physical, emotional and social benefits for an individual. When children participate in sport it can have a positive impact on their overall well-being by improving their confidence and self-esteem. As educators in the school system, it is our duty to provide students with the skills and knowledge to live a long active healthy life.
Our coaching staff combined has over 30 years’ experience in education and sports coaching. As a company we strive to motivate the younger generation to live a happy and healthy life. We pride ourselves on delivering programs that provide students with explicit education, fantastic resources with passionate, energetic and creative educators. Our programs are designed and tailored to accommodate the individual needs of all students.

Martin Smellie
Director & Head Teacher
Martin is a qualified sports coach in a host of different sports. With over 15 years of coaching experience, he is passionate about enriching and developing children in all sports. Martin has a friendly upbeat coaching style which children gravitate to.